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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Finding the address of a DECnet node?

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The Question is:

I installed pathworks32 7.1 on a win95 PC. We have an ethernet network.
When the PC reboots I see a message, "claiming freux", the alpha node name.
In the control panels, network icon I need to configure the alpha node. I
know the name, but do not know the decnet address.
Since on reboot, pathworks claims "freux" I assume it has been seen on the
Is there a configration file on the PC that logs that claiming information
and I could extract the correct decnet address to be configued?

The Answer is :

  The Wizard would use NCP to look up this information, assuming this
  is a DECnet Classic network.  In this case, it would appear simplest
  to use NCP directly on node freux to look up this information.
  Within the NCP utility, use the command:
    SHOW NODE bar
    TELL foo SHOW NODE bar
  to show the local address or the address of the remote node bar using
  the database on foo.  The latter syntax assumes that the local node
  has contact with a node that can retrieve the address, while the former
  assumes that the local node knows the address.  Your task is to locate
  a node (or a person) that knows the address of the specified node.

answer written or last revised on ( 1-OCT-1998 )

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