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HP OpenVMS Systems

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VAXstation 3100 self-test codes?

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The Question is:

I've got a VAXStation 3100 that i'm booting over a serial
console (I asked you a question about setting this up previously). Now that
i've got
it to boot over a serial console, i am getting three error messages
that seem to prevent the machine from booting. Unfortuntnely, i do not have
manuals for the machine, and all the VAX information i have read so far says
nothing about ROM monitor error codes. I was hoping you could tell me what
they might mean.
When i boot the system, i see these three error messages:
 ?  C 0080  0000.4001
 ?  6 80A1  0000.4001
??  1 00C0  0011.700E
Thanks for the help!

The Answer is :

  Hardware problems are best handled by your service organization, not
  by the OpenVMS Wizard.
  The VAXstation 3100 self-test codes indicate:
    F MONO    monochrome video circuit
    E CLK     time of year clock
    D NVR     non-volatile RAM
    C DZ      serial controller
    B MEM     memory test
    A MM      memory management
    9 FP      floating point
    8 IT      interval timer
    7 SCSI-A  SCSI A bus (internal)
    6 SCSI-B  SCSI B bus (external)
    5 SYS     interrupt controller and Ethernet ID PROM
    4 8PLN    8-plane graphics controller
    3         not supported
    2         not supported
    1 NI      Ethernet network circuits
  ? indicates a minor problem, one that will not interfere with normal
  system operation.
  ?? indicates a major problem, often affecting system operation.
  * indicates a device is present, but the ROM code was not executed.
  _ indicates a device or option that is not installed.
  It would appear you have nothing connected to your external SCSI
  (error 6), that you do not have your Ethernet hooked up (error 1),
  and that you have a problem with the serial line controller (either
  with the serial lines, with the keyboard, or the mouse) (error C)...

answer written or last revised on ( 1-OCT-1998 )

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