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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Datatrieve and RMS files via ODBC?

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The Question is:

I am using Datatrieve to access RMS indexed
*.dat files. Is there a way to connect to these
files using an ODBC driver?
Of course I would want to access the CDD
dictionary so that I would not have to specify
each field again.
I have an ODBC driver set up to access my RDB
files and it works great.

The Answer is :

  RMS files can be accessed remotely via ODBC, using various ODBC tools
  that have been discussed here in Ask The Wizards previously.  As for
  the specific capabilities of these tools, please ask the vendor(s).
  The Wizard is not aware of any capabilities of direct access from within
  Datatrieve to files via ODBC protocols, however.  The Database Integrator
  (DBI) package may allow you to bridge from Datatrieve to ODBC, however.

answer written or last revised on ( 19-OCT-1998 )

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