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HP OpenVMS Systems

ask the wizard
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COM for OpenVMS, and ADO and OLE?

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The Question is:

Does the new COM for OpenVMS support the ADO or
OLE DB APIs for Universal Data Access?
We are starting the process of reengineering our
old VMS/RMS applications.  We will probably start
by changing the data API.  We wanted to have maximum
flexibility in where our customers put their data.
If the answer is No, do you think OpenVMS will
move in the directory of supporting Microsoft's
Universal Data Access strategy?

The Answer is :

  The COM for OpenVMS product is a port of Microsoft's COM for Windows NT
  V4.0.  OpenVMS is not porting 100% of the COM APIs from Windows NT, but
  will port all of the APIs that should be requried to support COM
  application servers on OpenVMS.
  The Wizard is not particularly familiar with the APIs required for ADO
  and OLE DB, but will check with Microsoft for details.

answer written or last revised on ( 19-OCT-1998 )

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