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HP OpenVMS Systems

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ODS-5 and OpenVMS VAX?

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The Question is:

I've read the blurb about ODS-5 allowing
deep directory trees and WNT/W95 file names for
OpenVMS Alpha.
We have a mixed cluster of Alphas and VAXen,
with the Alphas providing the system disk to
the VAXen.
The question: Will the VAXen cope with the new
filenames and deep trees, or will they only see
the top 8 levels and hashed file names?
Will we have to segregate into two clusters of
Alphas and VAXen?
Any other migration concerns/issues will be
gratefully received.
Hugh Evans

The Answer is :

  OpenVMS VAX does not have full support for ODS-5 format, though it can
  operate on an ODS-5 volume within the limits of the ODS-2 syntax and
  structure, and OpenVMS VAX can also access ODS-5 files remotely via
  remote file access (using DECnet FAL) to an OpenVMS Alpha V7.2 system
  serving the ODS-5 volume.

answer written or last revised on ( 19-OCT-1998 )

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