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HP OpenVMS Systems

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telnet failures during remote access?

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The Question is:

If I connect to the VMS system from Win95 or WinNT using telnet the
connection will fail after a number of minutes (This is not a time out as it
will fail even if working)
If I telnet from Win95 or NT to a UNIX box and then telnet from the UNIX box
to the VMS system the connection will not fail.
Also I can conect successfully from Win3.1 and the connection will not fail.
Thank You for your help

The Answer is :

  Please contact the customer support organization for the particular TCP/IP
  package in use on the OpenVMS system.  If this is DIGITAL TCP/IP Services
  for OpenVMS (UCX), please contact the Compaq customer support center.

answer written or last revised on ( 19-OCT-1998 )

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