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DQS printing and concurrent access?

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The Question is:

In our intranet network I have one Alpha-VMS for each geographical site that
have the
role of print server.
The other VAX are configured with DQS print queue pointed to the Alpha print
(usually DCPS queues).
The problem arise when different users, on the same Vax node, print
conncurrently on different DQS queues pointing to the corresponding printers
on same
Alpha node.
Each of these DQS queues open a link with the Alpha server and activate a
server task
whose name is <Vax_node_name>_<first two figures of Decnet link number>.
Vax node name = GE10
Decnet link number = 16321
Server task name = GE10_16
There is no problem (or few problems) until when the progressive (?) value
of Decnet link
numbers on Alpha server are low (under 1000).
In this case the first two figures of link number change enough fast to
avoid that
DQS$SERVER try to create processes with duplicated name.
When the value of Decnet  link number begin to be high (over 1000 or over
10000) the
first two figures od Decnet link number change very slow and there is a high
probability to
create a serve task with duplicated name (with the following server process
In this situation isn't possible to have actually more than one DQS link
active between a
Vax node and the Alpha server at the same time.
It's appear to me that is a heavy limit using DQS.
Do you know a way to overcome this limit ?
There is a way to reset periodically the Decnet link number without to stop
Decnet on the
server ?
There is a way to limit the maximum number assigned to Decnet links under
1000 (we
have fix the maximum number of concurrent decnet links to 200) ?
Thank you for any suggestion.
S.Longobardo - Marconi Communications spa - Genova - Italy

The Answer is :

  Please contact customer support for assistance with this problem.
  Expect to be asked about the version of DQS in use.

answer written or last revised on ( 19-OCT-1998 )

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