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HP OpenVMS Systems

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AUDSRV NOACTION error under Oracle?

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The Question is:

Here's an odd one for you - one that no-one seems to know the answer to.
We've got several Alpha systems, all with the same version of VMS, all with
Oracle 7.3 on.
One some systems we get two of the following messages :
%%%%%%%%%%%  OPCOM  13-OCT-1998 08:29:53.32  %%%%%%%%%%%
Message from user AUDIT$SERVER on CAMLIV
%AUDSRV-W-NOACTION, no alarm or audit name specified; requestor PID:
whenever anyone goes into SQL.
But on some systems we don't.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance
Brian Mattey

The Answer is :

  This problem arises from flaw in the depths of the $MGBLSC_64 service. By
  mistake the service attempts to audit a process mapping a global section
  even though auditing is not enabled for that class of event. Since the buffer
  which is supposed to contain the audit message is incorrectly formatted (the
  code which was supposed to format it was skipped because auditing was not
  enabled), AUDIT_SERVER receives a junk message and reports "NOACTION"
  Although annoying, the problem is benign. The wizard believes that the ECO
  kit ALPSYSA01_071 corrects this flaw (though it is not mentioned in the
  release notes).

answer written or last revised on ( 13-OCT-1998 )

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