[an error occurred while processing this directive]

HP OpenVMS Systems

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who was that unknown (LPD_UNPRTR) printer?

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The Question is:

We can't print using ucx/lpd.
The following message apears on the console:
%%%%%%%%%%%  OPCOM  13-OCT-1998 15:28:02.15  %%%%%%%%%%%
Message from user INTERnet on SAAD4
INTERnet ACP LPD Accept Request from Host: Port: 519
%%%%%%%%%%%  OPCOM  13-OCT-1998 15:28:02.42  %%%%%%%%%%%
Message from user UCX_LPD on SAAD4
Request on port 515 (LPD) from remote port 519
%%%%%%%%%%%  OPCOM  13-OCT-1998 15:28:02.51  %%%%%%%%%%%
Message from user INTERnet on SAAD4
INTERnet ACP AUXS error during process exit  Status = %UCX-F-LPD_UNPRTR
$! Run receiver.
$ save=5+2*f$getsyi("cluster_nodes")
$ purge/keep=5
$ run sys$system:ucx$lpd_rcv.exe
%%%%%%%%%%%%  13-OCT-1998 15:28:02.44  %%%%%%%%%%%%
%UCX-F-LPD_UNPRTR, Unknown printer sys$print
%UCX-F-LPD_UNPRTR, Unknown printer !AS
 UCX_LPD      job terminated at 13-OCT-1998 15:28:02.45
 Accounting information:
Buffered I/O count:              88         Peak working set size:   1984
Direct I/O count:                15         Peak page file size:    24096
Page faults:                    454         Mounted volumes:            0
Charged CPU time:           0 00:00:00.11   Elapsed time:     0 00:00:00.32
system info is:
Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Alpha Version V4.1 - ECO Level 2
on an AlphaServer running OpenVMS V6.2-1H3
thanks in advance

The Answer is :

  Please contact the customer support center for assistance.

answer written or last revised on ( 19-OCT-1998 )

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