[an error occurred while processing this directive]

HP OpenVMS Systems

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locating source of FTAM problem?

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The Question is:

Where are the FTAM error messages documented?
(No joy in DECnet Plus mans nor on DSN - Some customer support specialists
do know some of them but others are a mystery!)
Examples are:
%FTAM-E-INVAEI, Presentation -- The application entity invocation is invalid
%FTAM-E-ERR_PROTOCOL_SP, initialise: protocol error on Receiving and FTAM
Association response.
Any help would be gratefully appreciated as I'm currently trying to
determine whether the problem is at our end or remote.
Gerald Marsh

The Answer is :

  Assuming you have checked the documentation, please contact the customer
  support center for assistance.

answer written or last revised on ( 20-OCT-1998 )

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