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HP OpenVMS Systems

ask the wizard
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Fortran cross-compilation?

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The Question is:

There is a command on the linker to allow you
create vax executables and there is an option
on the librarian to allow you to create vax
object libraries.  My question is, "Is there an
option on the DEC Fortran compiler to allow you
to make vax object modules?"  I have not seen
this explained in the manuals I have looked at.

The Answer is :

    No. Digital FORTRAN is not an Alpha -> VAX cross compiler. The Alpha
    LINKer is not a cross linker. There may be 3rd party products which do
    this, but the wizard isn't familiar with any.
    That being said, with some care, your source code can be made
    architecture neutral. All development and testing can be done on an
    Alpha system. Copy the source code to a VAX for compiling and linking a
    VAX version of the program.

answer written or last revised on ( 19-OCT-1998 )

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