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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Questions on V6.2 (ADARTL) Upgrade?

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The Question is:

I have an Alpha 2100 running VMS 6.1.
My question is: How do I update the ADARTL.EXE?
 I have the Unicenter Event Manager software
that requires the 6.2 ADARTL. They give no help
 as to "how To" upgrade. I have tried moving
the ADARTL from an VMS 6.2 Alpha and then
get Ident Mismatch errors with the CMA$RTL when
I attempt to install the software during the
link phase.

The Answer is :

    Except in fairly specific circumstances, you can't just upgrade one
    part of OpenVMS without upgrading everything else. If your software
    requires ADARTL V6.2, that is effectively saying that it requires
    OpenVMS V6.2. So, the answer to your question "How do I update the
    ADARTL.EXE?" is upgrade your operating sytem to OpenVMS V6.2.

answer written or last revised on ( 19-OCT-1998 )

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