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HP OpenVMS Systems

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support for attachments (and MIME) in MAIL?

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The Question is:

On a VAX 6000-430 running OpenVMS V6.2 I have
upgraded DEC TCP/IP Services from V3.2 to 4.2;
i have killed IUPOP3 hoping to use POP of DEC
Now, if from mail-client (Eudora,Netscape,etc)
i post a mail with attached document, this attach
arrive to destination not as separated document
but in the same message and as
Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" : completely
Somebody can give me a suggestion ?

The Answer is :

  OpenVMS and UCX do not current support MIME encoding for sending of mail
  messages, nor the reception (and processing) of MIME messages (beyond the
  processing accorded a non-MIME text message) prior to OpenVMS V7.2.  Work
  on the encoding of messages into MIME format for transmission is under
  serious consideration for inclusion in a future release.
  If this is not your question, please contact the customer support

answer written or last revised on ( 26-OCT-1998 )

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