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HP OpenVMS Systems

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BACKUPs and bound volume sets?

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The Question is:

We would like to restore a system disk that is on two RZ29 disk drives that
are striped and mirrored (HSJ controllers) to two RZ29 bound disk (HSD
controllers).  Is this possible?

The Answer is :

  The Wizard would hope that the data transfer would operate, particularly
  when using the supported and documented OpenVMS BACKUP/IMAGE procedures.
  A host-based bound volume set is not supported and not recommended for
  use as an OpenVMS system disk, however.
  Specific information on support for "HSD" controller-based stripe and
  shadow sets requires specific controller identification and information
  on the configuration under consideration -- please see the available
  catalogs and the OpenVMS Software Product Description (SPD) for further
  information on OpenVMS device support.
  For further information, please contact the customer support center.

answer written or last revised on ( 26-OCT-1998 )

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