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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Database design?

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The Question is:

I'm the Systems Manager for a VAX/Alpha OpenVMS Cluster running 6.2 on most
nodes.  I maintain an in-house data analysis package for large quantities of
data we generate everyday.  We have HSM and backup routines to archive the
data, along with numerous D
CL and Perl scripts to manage the data.
I am at the point where the scripting would be greatly enhanced by a
persistent data store of some kind.  I have many thoughts, but would like to
choose wisely for reasons of future growth.  My options seem to be:
Oracle, etc - A real relational database that cost real big dollars.
Perl Scripts - We are fully integrated with Perl, however, I haven't used
the SDBM extensions at all.  Persistent hash-tables would be ideal.  This
solution would also be cross-platform, but scalability may be an issue.
RMS and Indexed files - Write my own site specific direct access package.
Time would be the big issue here.  Scalability?
Freeware - I'v looked into DBAG and AnalyRIM.  DBAG doesn't run out of the
box on either the Alpha or VAX (mismatch issues).  Time may again be a
MicroSoft Access - Using a client as a server?
Any thoughts or references would be appreciated.
Donald G Plugge

The Answer is :

  This was actively discussed recently in the comp.os.vms newsgroup.
  There is nowhere near enough information included here to begin
  to answer the questions posted -- the Wizard is not at all sure
  what the data is, nor how much data is expected ("large" means
  many things to many people), the intended data access required,
  nor the frequency and characteristics of the data churn, etc.

answer written or last revised on ( 26-OCT-1998 )

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