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HP OpenVMS Systems

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MJ8 to DB25 RS232 adapter?

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The Question is:

I need the pin-out to connect a DECmodem V32
modem [DF296} to a DECserver 90M MJ8 port.

The Answer is :

  Please contact the customer support center for assistance, this
  (hardware) question is well outside the scope of OpenVMS.
  The Wizard would tend to expect either the H8585-AB or H8585-AC
  would be used here to connect to the MJ8, and probably the latter
  of the two adapters would be used.
                RS232 PIN       RS232 SIGNAL
                2               TXD
                3               RXD
                4               RTS (provided by a jumper)
                8               DCD
                7               SIG GND
                20              DTR
                22              RI
                23              DSRS
                RS232 PIN       RS232 SIGNAL
                2               TXD
                3               RXD
                4               RTS
                5               CTS
                6               DSR
                7               SIG GND
                20              DTR
  The adapter to use depends on which signals are needed.
  MJ8 signals:
                1   Rx Data Common
                2   Rx Data
                3   Tx Data Common
                4   CTS
                5   RTS
                6   Tx Data
                7   DTR
                8   DSR

answer written or last revised on ( 27-OCT-1998 )

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