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HP OpenVMS Systems

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outbound telnet to a printer? (take II)

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The Question is:

Our package supports tellers at financial institutions.
Depending on a tellers location,
direction of their check, receipt, loan, and
other documents go to different Reverse LAT
printers.  We do not use queues as real-time
print status, check number, and verification
of print are required.
We'd like to expand the printer offerings to
networked printers, but in reviewing TCP/IP
Services for OpenVMS we only find instructions
for setting up print queues.
Since the O/S can get to the printer, it seems
likely that an application should be able to
also.  Our code is DEC Basic and we are very
familiar with SYS$ and LIB$ calls.
Can you point me in the right direction?
Thanks in advance !

The Answer is :

  Please see the existing discussion under "outbound telnet to a printer?
  (bypass telnetsym)", among other discussions here.
  Real-time print status and verification of completion and such are
  potentially available for use in your application via existing system
  calls, such as the sys$sndjbc[w] and sys$getqui[w] calls.
  Be aware that direct submission to spooled devices may require you to
  issue periodic ANALYZE/DISK/REPAIR passes to clean up your disk file
  structure, as it is possible that the files (which are actually buffered
  in the file structure when a spooled device is involved) may not get
  deleted when the print operation finishes.  You will, of course, want
  to analyze the disk that is used for the spooling for the particular
  printer device.

answer written or last revised on ( 27-OCT-1998 )

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