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HP OpenVMS Systems

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PATHWORKS network programming? (trmnlaxs.dll)

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The Question is:

Hello Mr. Wizard,
I am using some functions supplied by TRMNLAXS.DLL (supplied by Pathworks
for DOS version 4.1) for data transfer between Win3.1 program (developed
inhouse using Microsoft Visual Basic Version 3.0) and OpenVMS program
(developed inhouse using DEC-FORTRAN).
OpenVMS program supply data for further process in Win3.1 program. OpenVMS
program trigerred by Win3.1 program. In OpenVMS program point of view, the
data itself will be write to SYS$NET.DAT file (as long as I know, this file
is O/S file, our OpenVMS vers
ion is 7.1). And from Win3.1 program point of view, the data captured from
GETDATA function. Other function I used are SENDDATA, which will send a
trigger character to OpenVMS environment. OPENSESSION, for establishing
terminal emulation connection to Ope
nVMS. CLOSESESSION, for disconnecting the emulation session.
My question are :
1. Is it prohobited using one of Pathworks DLL, in my case I am using
2. Now we want to upgrade Win3.1 program to be Win95 program, which I can
not use TRMNLAXS.DLL. May be because of its 16-bit DLL. Is there any other
32-bit DLL that has the same function with previously TRMNLAXS.DLL?
3. I have already tried to use DECTAL.DLL, but it can not be called from
Microsoft Visual Basic Version 5.0 environment, since DECTAL.DLL created
using CDECL function instead of STDCALL (according to error appearing when I
call it from MSVB5 program). Or
is it prohobited using DECTAL.DLL without any exclusive license agreement
from Digital Corporation?
4. Is there any 3rd party vendor who can provide object/function I mentioned
That's all, thank you in advance for your kind. (I have already searching to
all resource I knew, include Customer Support office in my country
(Indonesia)... but until now I am not find any solution... and I am sorry
for my poor english)
Best Regards,
Bagio SM

The Answer is :

  The Wizard would recommend contacting the customer support center with
  PATHWORKS problems.
  1: Yes, new software is available for Windows 95.  The current version
  is 7.1A, and kits containing this release are shipping.  (PATHWORKS
  versions for Windows 95 include 1.0, 1.0A, and now PATHWORKS 32 v7.0,
  7.0A, 7.1 and most recently 7.1A.)
  2: The DLL is upgraded to 32-bit with the new kit.
  3:  The PATHWORKS client product requires a license to use the applications
  and transports.  The Wizard would assume that the error is being generated
  because you are receiving an error due to the use of a new operating system
  (Windows 95) with the old 16-bit implementation.
  4: The Wizard believes that Compaq can provide the functionality that you
  require with the latest implementation of the PATHWORKS product.  The
  latest implementation is specifically designed for use with Windows 95
  and Windows NT.
  PATHWORKS Product information is available from

answer written or last revised on ( 3-NOV-1998 )

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