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HP OpenVMS Systems

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AlphaStation 255 disk support?

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The Question is:

We've purchased several Alphastation 255/233 systems. Each Alphastation box
contains a total of two hard disks (1GB , and 4.3GB) and CD-ROM. Can we put
an additional 4.3GB disk drive inside (the space and the connectors are
there) without stressing the po
wer supply or exceeding heat dissipation limits inside the box?

The Answer is :

  Please contact your hardware support organization for assistance.
  Specific information on the particular 4.3GB drive(s) you have in
  mind will be required, as will specific information on your current
  Specific 7200 RPM disk drives, such as the RZ29B, are supported within
  the AlphaStation 255 system enclosure.
  Based on the Systems and Options Catalog, the AlphaStation 255 includes
  support for (at most) two hard disk drives, in addition to the floppy
  drive and the CD-ROM drive.

answer written or last revised on ( 29-OCT-1998 )

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