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HP OpenVMS Systems

ask the wizard
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problems with sys$schdwk and sys$hiber?

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The Question is:

I use the system routines
sys$schdwk and sys$hiber
to run a process every seconds.
When we changed the hour this WE (1 hour less), this process stopped working
without any error message.
Is there a known solution for this problem?

The Answer is :

  "Stopped working" is a valid problem statement only in conjunction with
  substantial additional problem context.
  The sys$schdwk and sys$hiber system service calls are quite commonly used
  throughout OpenVMS itself and throughout many customer and layered
  applications -- the Wizard would tend to expect these calls to operate
  over common events such as the annual return to standard time patiently
  suffered by computers in many areas of the world, or the Wizard would
  have expected reports of problems to have surfaced by now.  The Wizard
  is unaware of problem reports with these services.
  Without source-level information on the specific call made -- are you
  correctly testing the return status from each system service call as
  required by the Wizard? -- then it is difficult to determine the
  particular cause of the problem.  Without information on the specific
  cause of the work "stoppage" in the process, it is difficult even to
  know that the calls to sys$schdwk and sys$hiber are at the core of the
  problem being reported here.

answer written or last revised on ( 2-NOV-1998 )

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