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HP OpenVMS Systems

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BASIC programs and TCP/IP (UCX) calls?

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The Question is:

Have you got any programming examples for UCX in VAX BASIC.
All the examples in UCX$EXAMPLES are written in C and we don't have that.

The Answer is :

  Once you understand the calling standard, and have some familiarity with
  the typical argument passing schemes -- "by value", "by reference", "by
  itemlist" and "by descriptor" cover the vast majority of argument passing
  calls in OpenVMS -- and access to a few simple examples, figuring out the
  other calls is usually quite easy.  In other words, most OpenVMS calls are
  quite similar.
  In the case of BASIC making TCP calls, you will be using the sys$qio and
  (the synchronous form) sys$qiow system services.
  Please check with the customer support center, and with the examples
  available via DSN.

answer written or last revised on ( 5-NOV-1998 )

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