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HP OpenVMS Systems

ask the wizard
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Customers, Wizards, and kibitzing?

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The Question is:

Wow - this conference is amazing - especially how it seems so reminiscent of
the VAXNOTES conferences I used to read (and write) at digital. Are  you
interested in contributors?
Also, this seems like a better idea to me than a news group - a chance for
OpenVMS engineering to offer an opinion (and the occasional 'flame on')
I am hoping the product management in Compaq can see that there are real
OpenBVMS customers still out there - they are just a lot quieter that
Windows NT customers.
Ben Burje

The Answer is :

  In fact, the internal mechanism "behind" Ask The Wizard is a standard
  notes conference.
  As for contributions and kibitzing here in Ask The Wizard, the Wizard
  hadn't considered that particular possibility -- the Wizard, however,
  is rather busy with engineering work, with customer visits, with other
  customer contacts, with DECUS, as well as with various other projects.
  OpenVMS Engineering is very aware that there are customers, and is taking
  steps to continue customer contacts both in groups and as individual
  engineering contacts.  Existing programs include the on-going series of
  LUG meetings and OpenVMS futures technical presentations -- such as the
  recent sessions in New York City, Dallas, and (soon) Memphis -- as well
  as various other (bidirectional) customer programs.  Look around in your
  area or ask your local office, there may be one of these LUG meetings
  scheduled near you.

answer written or last revised on ( 6-NOV-1998 )

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