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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Honoring the password history? (sys$setuai)

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The Question is:

I have implemeted a executable that changes a users password. This image has
been installed with SYSPRV.
The image is recognised by a logical, this logical is defined
The image is located outside of the system volume.
The image is execute via vfork and exec from another executable which is run
in a users environment.
The image changes a users password fine. However the password changes ignore
the password history.
Is there a further step required in building or installing this image.
The image revokes the new password if its the same as the current one.

The Answer is :

Although you don't say how your image is changing the password,
presumably your only basis for believing password history might be
honored or updated would be if you were using the SYS$SETUAI system
service to change the password.  But SYS$SETUAI does not interact
with the password history.  With current versions, the only way
to reliably interact with the password history would be by calling
the undocumented (except in the listings kit) unsupported entrypoint
EXE$LOOKUP_HASH, so of course the Wizard would only recommend that to
another Wizard.
But take heart.  Others have trod this ground before you, and the
ability for a user to change their own password from a program has
already been requested and hopefully will arrive at a machine near
you sometime _after_ V7.2.

answer written or last revised on ( 10-NOV-1998 )

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