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HP OpenVMS Systems

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ARC, AlphaBIOS, and SRM consoles?

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The Question is:

Some how my computer has been switched from NT mode to VMS mode.
All I get is the VMS >>> prompt.. None of the gremlins here will admit that
they did this to me.
How do I switch this back
Thank You

The Answer is :

  Per part of your response to the CPU architecture question, VAX systems
  do not run Windows NT, so that part of the problem has solved itself.
  There are a variety of Alpha systems available, and console commands
  can be specific to the particular platform.
  One obvious course of action would be to acquire an OpenVMS license and
  overwrite Windows NT with the OpenVMS operating system, and complete the
  transition over to OpenVMS -- you may well find the ability to share
  write access to files across a 96 node cluster useful, or to use the
  fully-integrated networking capabilities, or to have access to a fully
  capable distributed lock manager would be to your advantage.  Information
  on installing OpenVMS is present in the OpenVMS documentation set.
  On full-flash Alpha systems, to revert to the ARC or AlphaBIOS console
  needed for Windows NT, set the operating system type environment variable
  to NT and power-cycle the box.  On half-flash Alpha systems, you will need
  to reload ARC or AlphaBIOS console over the existing SRM console -- only
  one console can be resident at a time.  Please see existing discussions
  of ARC and SRM and half-flash systems here in Ask The Wizard for details.

answer written or last revised on ( 10-NOV-1998 )

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