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Help with Wollongong TCP/IP FTP?

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The Question is:

Wollongong Pathway for OpenVMS version 2.5.1 as FTP server
cannot transfer a RMS COBOL ISAM file greater than 9 MB
Only 9 MB of a 40 MB file gets transferred with message
"file successfully transferred". The FTP session is still
Why does this happen and what can fix it?
Thanks a lot

The Answer is :

  Contact Wollongong support for assistance with Wollongong products.
  Consider loading and using TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS (UCX), if you
  are having problems with the Wollongong that you cannot resolve to
  your satisfaction.
  Check the discussion that you started in the comp.os.vms newsgroup
  on this topic for other suggestions.

answer written or last revised on ( 11-NOV-1998 )

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