[an error occurred while processing this directive]

HP OpenVMS Systems

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problems with C open()?

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The Question is:

I'm open a binary file with the open() function and get the return code
65535. The code in vaxc$errno is 98728. I set the sharing option "shr=upt".
Other programm had the file open. After n times I run on of the programms
successfull I get the error.
Ist this a memory or resources propblem?

The Answer is :

  Please acquire and install the available C run-time library ECO kit.
  Check the maximum record length for the file -- this has been known
  to cause occasional files.  If this fails to resolve the problem,
  please contact the customer support center directly.  Expect to be
  asked for an example of the source code causing the problem.
    $ exit 98728
    %RMS-W-RTB, 0 byte record too large for user's buffer

answer written or last revised on ( 12-NOV-1998 )

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