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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Scheduling periodic batch job submissions

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The Question is:

Hi! I'm working for an IT-consultant in
mid sweden and I'm a bit new to VMS. We
have a batch job that must be run when
the load of the machine is low, like
in nighttime. As I understand it you
can do a 'submit/after=23:00' to start
a batch job on a specific queue. But this
will not automatically run the batch job
every night starting from 23:00. I've heard
about a shedueling mechanism in VMS and
I'm looking for informatin on how to use
this mechanism. Can you give me a pointer
to where I can find it or give me some
examples on how to deal with it ?
Best regards, Bjvrn Hagstrvm.

The Answer is :

  Please see the discussion of periodic batch job submits (cron)
  present here in Ask The Wizards.
  Sophisticated tools to schedule and perform periodic submissions
  of batch jobs are available from various vendors, and simple tools
  adequate for local needs can also often be easily created locally.

answer written or last revised on ( 13-NOV-1998 )

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