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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Resolving HEADFULL errors?

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The Question is:

If I run sys$update:Swapfiles.com, the system reports SYSTEM-HEADERFULL when
I try to increase the size of the PAGEFILE.SYS. How can I correct this?

The Answer is :

    This error indicates that the pagefile is too fragmented to be
    extended. Start by creating a new *small* pagefile, then reboot your
    system, preferably a minimal boot. You can now delete the old,
    fragmented page file. Depending on the state of your disk, and the
    amount of freespace, you *may* now be able to create a new pagefile of
    the desired size. If not, you may want to use a defragger to
    consolidate the freespace on the disk, so you have sufficient
    contiguous free space for the new pagefile. When you've created the
    new pagefile, reboot your system to make it active.
    If you don't have a defragger, and you cannot gather sufficient
    contiguous freespace, take a standalone, image backup of the disk and
    restore it.

answer written or last revised on ( 13-NOV-1998 )

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