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HP OpenVMS Systems

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The Question is:

Our Machine currently running Decnet-Plus version 7.1. When I try either of
the command
Set Host /Mop MopClient-name
Set Host /mop /addr=mop-physical hardware address /circuit=csmacd-1
The following error message appear on the screen
%CCR-F-INVRESP, invalid management responsen System !)
Can you please tell me what wrong? I know Decnet is running, as I can use
the Set Host Vaxname.

The Answer is :

  MOP is the Maintenance and Operations Protocol, and the protocol is
  largely unrelated to DECnet-Plus or DECnet Phase IV -- MOP support is
  available in DECnet Phase IV, DECnet-Plus, and LANCP in OpenVMS V6.2
  and later.  MOP can be enabled via LANCP, or via either DECnet-Plus or
  DECnet Phase IV.
  Please contact the customer support center for assistance with this
  question.  You will be asked which version of MOP is in use on the
  local system, and you will be particularly asked about the target
  system -- the remote system type, the firmware or software version, etc.

answer written or last revised on ( 16-NOV-1998 )

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