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HP OpenVMS Systems

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The Question is:

Here is a simple one
   How do I configure UCX to remotely accept
FTP calls. I try to FTP the Server but I get
this error message.:
%FTP-E-NETERR, I/O error on network device
-SYSTEM-F-REJECT, connect to network object rejected
is the UCX services not started correctly
if so how do I get it started to allow it to recieve FTP remotely.

The Answer is :

  The procedure SYS$STARTUP:UCX$CONFIG.COM is used to configure
  TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS (UCX).
  Check to see that the FTP server has been configured.
  See the documentation for details.
  Also check the FTP and IP logs on the remote system, and consider
  enabling security alarms (or audits) on the remote system to help
  track down any sorts of odd errors.
  ECO kits are available for most UCX versions, and the current kit
  should be acquired and installed.

answer written or last revised on ( 19-NOV-1998 )

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