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HP OpenVMS Systems

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PATHWORKS LAT sessions disconnected?

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The Question is:

We run Pathworks v7.0a on NT and 95 workstations.
Using PW525 we connect to our VMS and Alpha systems
via LAT.  Recently we have had a number of users losing
their LAT sessions -- just simply logged off.
In some situations the user can go to another
workstation and log back on without difficulty.
If they return to their station they continue
to be logged off.  We have not made any changes to our
VAX or Alpha systems or the workstations. The network
traffic appears to be normal.
We have been given the suggestion to upgrade to
Pathworks v7.1. Is there any merit to this suggestion?
Are there some specifics to losing a LAT session that
we can investigate. Thanks.

The Answer is :

    We've heard of this type of problem before, and the most
    common cause is duplicate addresses.
    Remember that DECnet changes the hardware address of
    the Ethernet card (the PATHWORKS 32 SPD states "Note:
    Ethernet and FDDI adapters must also support a
    software-configurable network address using the Network
    Address keyword.").
    So, while your PC and host configurations have not changed,
    a new PC may have been added to the network, and it is
    using the same address as your PC.
    The way to check this is to place a network sniffer right
    next to your host system on the network and monitor the

answer written or last revised on ( 18-NOV-1998 )

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