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HP OpenVMS Systems

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DECserver TN3270 emulation?

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The Question is:

We are trying to configure a DECServer 900TM for TN3270 emulation to allow
VT420 terminals access to our IBM 9121 via IP.  We were successful in
configuring the Protocol configuration - accessing the IBM 9121, however,
our other TN3270 emulators have a cu
stom keymapping, and we were not able to match the DECServer's custom keymap
to our existing keymap.  For example, trying to custom map BACKTAB function
to key sequence Shift/Tab (Change Port TN3270 keymap Backtab Shift/Tab)
renders an "invalid keymap" er
ror. We have found this DECServer has some tn3270 functions that allow that
allow a CTRL/ in it's keymap, but not will allow Shift/ .  Apparantly, Shift
is not a valid keymap sequence.  We have found no keymap limitations stated
in the DECServer 900TM man
uals (Management, Commands, TroubleShooting manuals).  Do you know if this
is a definite limitation, or is there a workaround. Where would I find this
Also, our existing tn3270 keymap utilizes multiple keymapping.  For example,
tn3270 function Enter is mapped to the VT's Return and Enter keys.  I have
read the manuals that state only one tn3270 function can be mapped to one
Digital key sequence, but I w
as hoping you knew of a workaround/upgrade to allow this!
Thank you for your time and thoughts!

The Answer is :

  DECserver configurations for IBM access via TN3270 emulation over IP
  are well outside the scope of the OpenVMS Wizard, even on a good day.
  Please contact the customer support center for assistance with this.

answer written or last revised on ( 19-NOV-1998 )

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