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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Selecting the console on a DECwindows system?

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The Question is:

On a VAXStation 4000 60 running ovms 7.1
and DECwindows Motif, how do I get the console
into a DECterm window rather than rolling
the monitor screen?

The Answer is :

  The hardware console on the VAXstation 4000 model 60 can be routed to
  the graphics console, or it can be routed to the console serial line.
  (Information on selecting the alternate serial line console has been
  discussed in the "console terminal emulation?" discussion here, as well
  as "selecting alternate console on VAXstation 3100?", as well as in other
  areas -- it involves the S3 switch.  S3 is located behind the front
  drop-down door on the VAXstation 4000 model 60 system.)
  In other words, your best approach may be to use a serial terminal and
  the alternate serial console, and all console-related messages will be
  routed there automatically.  (Console boot commands and such will also
  be displayed on the alternate console, as well.)
  If you choose to not use an alternate console terminal, you can avoid
  having most of the messages appear on the graphics display by disabling
  OPCOM messages to the console -- once these are shut off, very few
  messages will appear on the console graphics display.  To effect this
  change, see the information on the OPC$OPA0_ENABLE logical name and
  related logical names in SYLOGICALS.TEMPLATE.
  If you choose to receive OPCOMs via a DECterm, create the DECterm and
  enable it as an operator.
  Also see the console discussion in DECW$PRIVATE_APPS_SETUP.TEMPLATE.
  You may want to select "WINDOW" for this particular situation, and set
  up a DECW$PRIVATE_APPS_SETUP.COM file if you do not already have one.
  The Wizard prefers a separate serial console.  Your tastes may differ.

answer written or last revised on ( 20-NOV-1998 )

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