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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Linux IP firewall? SMTP mail forwarding?

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The Question is:

We have an ISDN line coming into a Linux box acting as a firewall and mail
server.  Behind the firewall are two distinct NT domains (one for our
academic network and one for the administrative network).  We also have our
Alpha behind the firewall running
our administrative software.  We are using UCX (version 4.2 I believe) on
the Alpha.
Now for the questions ...
1) We have been successful in sending mail out to the Internet, but we have
not been able to receive mail back.  Is informing the firewall or a DNS
server the key to making this work? Or are there other things we need to do?
2) Is there a way to create e-mail address "aliases" like the unix sendmail
program?  For example, if we wanted to create a GUFinAid@graceu.edu to go to
the Financial Aid director and "map" that alias to the actual account on the
Alpha, how would we do th

The Answer is :

1: Donno.  If you are not receiving the mail on the OpenVMS system and
   there is no evidence of SMTP connections or problems establishing
   connections into the OpenVMS system (on the OpenVMS system), then
   this problem would appear to be a problem with the configuration
   of the Linux box firewall.
   You will want to request assistance of the Linux firewall wizard.
   The OpenVMS Wizard can offer various commercial firewall packages:
2: Use the SET FORWARD command in the MAIL utility.
     set forw/user=foo noone@nowhere.digital.com
   Per the parsing rules, you may need to add double-quotes around
   certain text strings.

answer written or last revised on ( 20-NOV-1998 )

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