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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Protected subsystems? (security)

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The Question is:

In what version of OpenVMS did "protected subsystems" (as described in
Chapter 13 of the OpenVMS security manual) become available???
thanks for the anticipated reply...

The Answer is :

  Protected subsystem support -- the ability to associate a subsystem access
  control list entry (ACE) in the access control list (ACL) associated with
  an executable image, and thus allowing (or disallowing) object access
  based on the identifier (only) when the image is executing -- is part of
  OpenVMS V6.0 and later releases.
  The protected subsystem support provides a finely-grained and flexible
  way to permit (or deny) access when a particular executable image is
  running.  The access permitted (or denied) is typically far more easily
  controlled within the application than would be a privilege(s) granted
  to the image through installation of the executable image with a privilege
  such as SYSPRV or BYPASS.  Unlike the effort needed by a programmer to
  ensure that a (powerful and general) privilege such as SYSPRV or BYPASS
  cannot be misused -- that the extra privilege(s) are enabled only when
  needed and are otherwise disabled within the code executing within an
  application executable image -- the protected subsystem identifier can
  be configured to grant (or prevent) access to specified OpenVMS security
  objects using little more than DCL SET SECURITY commands and object ACLs.
  With the protected subsystems, the programmer has fewer and typically far
  more isolated concerns around the potential for misuse of the access
  granted than are present with an image installed with privilege.
  NB: There is an ECO kit available for a SS$_SUBTRACED error that can be
  erroneously returned when protected subsystems are used in conjunction
  with images that are installed as shareable.  This particular error is
  known to occur only on the earliest of the V6 releases, and only when
  protected subsystems are used on images also installed as shareable.

answer written or last revised on ( 24-NOV-1998 )

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