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HP OpenVMS Systems

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DCPS support for OpenVMS?

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The Question is:

I'm upgrading to OpenVMS v6.2  Tech Support has
told me that I'll probably have to reinstall my
DCPS software.  Can I install DCPS version 1.4
from the OpenVMS 7.x CD?  Or do I have to find
the version that is compatible with 6.2
Thank you

The Answer is :

  DCPS V1.5 (or later) is the current version.
  The DCPS V1.5 SPD is available at:
  Please check the DCPS software product description (SPD) for the
  current information on the supported OpenVMS versions -- based on
  the V1.5 SPD, the Wizard would expect that DCPS would operate on
  on OpenVMS VAX V6.2.

answer written or last revised on ( 25-NOV-1998 )

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