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HP OpenVMS Systems

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What do NAS license PAKs allow? (TCP/IP(UCX))

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The Question is:

What license Pak do I need for TCP/IP for a Alpha 3000-300 ?
My vender says the Pak I have
QL-XVEAE-AA  Digital NAS Client 250 V/A
will work and is all that is needed for TCP/IP

The Answer is :

  Your vendor is correct, the NET-APP-SUP-250 group PAK -- NET-APP-SUP
  is often abbreviated as NAS -- licenses software access equivilent to
  having purchased and installed the TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS (UCX)
  license PAK "UCX".
  The products authorized by each particular NAS PAK are listed in the
  associated NAS Software Product Description (SPD), with an SPD for each
  particular NAS release and level.  Copies of the NAS SPDs are available
  at the OpenVMS website.
  For specific details, search for the NAS SPDs at:
  The NAS Client 250 SPD is available at:
  General information on NAS packages is available via Customer Update
  articles, such as: http://www.digital.com/info/CU5112/

answer written or last revised on ( 1-DEC-1998 )

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