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HP OpenVMS Systems

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DCPS reporting REQMODNOTFOUND on HP LaserJet 8000

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The Question is:

What is the reason and the remedy of the following DCPS problem, trying to
print on an HP LaserJet 8000 printer using raw TCP/IP ?
%DCPS-F-REQMODNOTFOUND, required device control module LPS$$INITPSDEVICE not
Is something missing on  our DCPS implementation ? Or a patch is needed for
HP LaserJet 8000 ? Or the TCP port is different ?
Here is our configuration:
- VMS 6.2
- DCPS 1.5
- DCPS printer address: ip_raw/pr_address:9100
Frangois Portenier

The Answer is :

  First determine if the particular HP LaserJet 8000 printer is supported
  by the version of DCPS installed.  If not, determine if a more recent
  version of DCPS (if available) supports it.
  As a test of the printer, telnet to port 9100 (typically but not always
  the port number used) and enter the following:
(testing\n) print flush
^D           %this is a Control-D
  and you should -- if things are working -- see "testing" displayed.
  In any event, please contact the customer support center for assistance.
  Information on the queue definitions (SHOW QUEUE/FULL for the DCPS queues),
  SHOW LOGICAL for the queue /LIBRARY qualifier (if any), a SHOW LOGICAL
  of SYS$LIBRARY, a DIRECTORY/FULL of the DCPS$DEVCTL library and a
  LIBRAR/LIST of the libraries contents will likely be required.

answer written or last revised on ( 1-DEC-1998 )

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