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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Secure network access? (Spoofing DECnet proxies)

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The Question is:

Is there a secure way to use DECnet  Proxy  ?
Our Audit dep. require strong identification and authentication on our
production systems. In a LAN is the possibility to configure PCs with the
same DECnet address as a Production Systems and with the use of Proxy to
break into this Systems.  Do you know
 a way to make strong Identification and authentication on a DECnet node? Or
is there a way to use SSL (TCP/IP) Service on VAX or Alpha System with
Proxys ??

The Answer is :

  Please contact the Compaq customer support center for assistance -- the
  Wizard could describe how to spoof DECnet proxies here, but this same
  information may then be useful to those readers here that might have
  more nefarious applications in mind.
  SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is unrelated to DECnet, though DECnet-Plus can
  operate over an IP transport and potentially over an encrypted IP layer,
  and DECnet can also operate over a more directly encrypted datalink.
  Network firewalls, passive network monitors, devices that perform active
  network countermeasures, and distributed authentication schemes may all
  potentially be applicable here, in addition to concepts such as encrypted
  datalinks or secure tunnels.
  Additional considerations can come into play here unrelated to the more
  technical discussions, including export control regulations around the
  control of military technologies such as devices and algorithms for
  performing secure encryption.  Authentication technologies are usually
  somewhat less tightly controlled than encryption.
  The customer support center can work with you to determine the specific
  details of your particular security needs, and to help you meet the
  requirements of your auditors in a cost-effective fashion.

answer written or last revised on ( 1-DEC-1998 )

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