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MicroVAX 3800 hardware problems after move?

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The Question is:

I have an Mvax 3800 (KA655 CPU board) that was
working properly before I brought it home...
After power on, nothing happens at the console.
If I press break, I get the console prompt but
a "show device" says "?20 CORRPTN". If I do a
"show qbus" it lists all cards (TKQ70, KDA50 and
DESQA) and dumps saying "Scanning QBUS memory space".
A "show memory" cmd says "0 MB ...". There is two
memory cards, and I have even tried to replce them
both with two other cards. No change. On power on,
the LED's goes "F->6" and stops.
Hope to get some help so this old beast can continue
to live a prosperous life (it has two RA92 disks
full of goodies ...) and I plan to get a VMS hobbyist
license soon.
Best regards
An old but faithful DEC customer

The Answer is :

  There is not enough information to determine what happened here.
  This could be anything from a hardware problem or disk failure, to
  a loose module or cable, to a corrupted disk.
  Search for information on "serpentine" here in Ask The Wizard to
  determine if the Q-bus is correctly configured, and how to correctly
  configure it.  Also check for any disconnected cables and for any
  modules that may have become loose during the shipping and handling
  of the system.
  Also see the OpenVMS Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) for pointers to
  websites with MicroVAX Q-bus hardware information.

answer written or last revised on ( 1-DEC-1998 )

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