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HP OpenVMS Systems

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LANs, DECservers, LAT, bridging, and routing?

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The Question is:

Hello dear Wizard,
my environment is currently running DU3.2C, but I hope the answer to my
question is close (DU vs OpenVMS).
Sorry if this is the wrong place for my Q. but i was not able to find the
same thing for DU.
These are my particular conditions:
- DecAlpha server connected through /dev/tty + async. modem + DEC terminal
server to a distant DECAlpha server in the same configuration, using dialup
and the LAT protocol.
- My environment is also composed from a leased line + router + synchronous
modem, used for routing and implementation of TCP/IP between these two unix
	My question is about the possibility to use the router also for
the LAT connection. I know that LAT is not a routable protocol, but can the
router be configured to act like a bridge for LAT ?
	Is it possible ? And if the answer is yes, can I do it without
loosing the actual routing functions of the router ? How ?
	thank you very much,
	Codrut Popescu
	Bucharest - Romania

The Answer is :

  The LAT protocol does not include support for routing, it can only be
  used on the local LAN, or (depending on a sufficiently low latency of
  the connection) bridged to a remote LAN segment.
  As for whether or not a particular widget is a bridge, you will need
  to check the documentation for the widget or specifically identify
  which widget it is, or contact the vendor for the widget.
  Most (all?) recent DECserver widgets support access via IP protocols,
  in addition to LAT.

answer written or last revised on ( 1-DEC-1998 )

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