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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Performing BACKUP on deep directories? (8+ levels)

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The Question is:

How can I restore a file tree from a backup
saveset using openvms backup (V6.2) if the
directory structure is deeper than eight levels?
E.g.: backup mka500:save.bck/save -
crashes at level eight of the _input_ file
specification and not at level eight of the
output file spec with an access violation.

The Answer is :

   BACKUP save and restoration for deeper (more than eight levels) is
   via image BACKUP only.
   From the New Features Manual for OpenVMS V6.2:
   `3.9.2  Increased Number of Directory Levels Supported
     BACKUP now supports saving individual files or groups
     of files located in disk directories greater than eight levels
     in depth, up to 32 levels of disk directories. Prior versions
     of BACKUP (and OpenVMS utilities in general) could not
     access, and thus could not save, files located in directories
     greater than eight levels in depth.
     BACKUP also supports restoring these files selectively in a
     BACKUP restore operation. Note, however, that OpenVMS
     file system restrictions still apply when restoring these files.
     For nonimage and nonphysical restore operations, individual files
     or groups of files may be restored to a disk, but the destination
     directories must be no greater than eight levels deep.'
  You will generally have to use rooted logical names to "conceal"
  the directories, to keep the visible portion of the directory
  specification within the brackets to eight levels or less.

answer written or last revised on ( 1-DEC-1998 )

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