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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Seeks assistance with DELNI and Ethernet hardware?

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The Question is:

We are trying to hook up a Sun E4000 Running
solaris2.5.1 10BaseT Ethernet to a Delni box (15 pin
AUI connector) which is hooked to a DEC 3000-600x
Alpha AxP.  Can you help me with a solution to make
this connection work.  They were trying to use
a Transceiver between the SUN (UTP) and the
Delni (AUI)but this connection did not work. The
Transceiver was not getting any power from the
AUI connection.....  Thanks..  Bryan New

The Answer is :

  This question of Ethernet transceiver power is well outside the OpenVMS
  operating system, the usual haunts of the OpenVMS Wizard.  The DELNI is
  also particularly old hardware, and predates technologies such as UTP.
  (The Wizard would recommend upgrading to more recent Ethernet hardware.)
  First, make sure you are not connecting to the DELNI via the global port.
  (This is the port used to connect the DELNI to a transceiver and Ethernet
  cable, or to a DELNI in a two-level "cascading" network configuration.)
  Then make sure the widget can survive with the heartbeat setting provided
  by the DELNI -- the DELNI generally supplies a heartbeat when switched
  into local mode.  If connected via the global port via a transceiver,
  the transceiver can *not* provide heartbeat.
  Mixing IEEE 802.3  passive (no heartbeat desired) and active devices on
  the same DELNI is not something that the Wizard would recommend.
  The Wizard would recommend contacting the customer support center for
  assistance with the DELNI, though would first suggest entirely replacing
  the DELNI with a readily available UTP to ThinWire repeater and moving to
  a UTP hub.

answer written or last revised on ( 1-DEC-1998 )

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