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HP OpenVMS Systems

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OpenVMS VAX upgrade from V6.1?

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The Question is:

We are currently running OpenVMS v6.1 on VAX cluster on few different VAX
models: VAX 6000-510, VAX 6000-520, VAX 6000-620, VAX 4000-60 and VAX
We are planning to do an upgrade to v6.2 and I am wondering if there are
maybe hardware specific revisions of v6.2 for above mentioned VAX machines,
something like v6.2-1H3 for Alphas?!
I would appreciate your help with this issue.

The Answer is :

  There are presently no hardware releases required for any recent VAX
  systems and no OpenVMS VAX hardware releases are presently planned.
  The last OpenVMS VAX hardware release was V5.5-2H4.
  The Wizard would recommend an upgrade to OpenVMS VAX V6.2, or to the
  current OpenVMS VAX release.
  As there are no significant kernel changes on OpenVMS VAX V7.0, there
  should be little reason not to upgrade to the most current release.
  (OpenVMS Alpha saw changes to the kernel at V7.0, far fewer kernel
  changes have been made on recent OpenVMS VAX releases.)

answer written or last revised on ( 3-DEC-1998 )

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