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HP OpenVMS Systems

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INSFMEM from PATHWORKS for Macintosh? (MSAF)

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The Question is:

I am getting Dynamic Memory Allocation errors approximately every 11 hours.
They come up in OPCOM as an MSAF error.  I have gone into mc sysgen and
increased my npagedyn to 15,000,000.  I am running OpenVMS version 7.1-1h1
on a DEC AlphaServer 4000 5/600
.  I have two NICS, one 10/100 and a FDDI.  My 10/100 runs Pathworks and
TCP/IP and my FDDI runs TCP/IP and DECNet.  The symptoms are: Pathworks
volumes spontaneously dismount.  Then DEC FDDI workstations lock up.  Then I
receive the error about insuffice
nt dynamic memory.  I have over 500 mb of RAM installed.  Is there a patch
that I am missing that corrects 'memory leaks'?

The Answer is :

  There are several different errors potentially involved.  The Wizard
  will assume the error is INSFMEM.
  This could be paged dynamic memory, or non-paged, or otherwise.
  Possible parameters involved include CLISYMTBL, CTLPAGES, PAGEDYN,
  First, always use AUTOGEN, avoid direct access to SYSGEN to modify
  parameters.  Also use AUTOGEN with FEEDBACK to adjust the parameters,
  and avoid any absolute assignments of parameter values such as
  NPAGEDYN -- always use MIN_, MAX_, or ADD_ whenever possible.
  The particular error depends on what is triggering the error, and
  (in this case) would also tend to point to a potential problem with
  PATHWORKS, apparently PATHWORKS for Macintosh.  Please contact the
  customer support center -- expect to confirm the version you are
  using, and make certain the current ECO kit is loaded.  (Also please
  note that product support for this package was withdrawn 1-July-1998.)

answer written or last revised on ( 4-DEC-1998 )

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