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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Shareable image redirection? (File Parsing)

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The Question is:

I have created a shareable library and created images that call it. I have
been unable to get my applications to call my shareable library in a
location other than "sys$library". On Unix I am able to specify
"LD_LIBRARY_PATH" and place my shared library w
here this logical points to. This way my product can exist in an area that
does not require the user to get permission to place the shared library in
the protected system area. What is the equivalent OpenVMS convention. I
tried to add my specific area to
the searchlist for "sys$library" by executing the following command but the
images did not look at this area, "$define/system/exec sys$library

The Answer is :

  Use a logical name that matches the file name of the shareable image,
  the image activator will use that to look for the target shareable
  image file.
  Many OpenVMS functions use the RMS capabilities for the specification
  of the file name and the default name separately, such as:
    uaf = f$parse("SYSUAF","SYS$SYSTEM:.DAT")
  rather than the more immediately obvious (and rather less flexible):
    uaf = f$parse("SYS$SYSTEM:SYSUAF.DAT")
  Please see the discussion of shareable images referenced in the OpenVMS
  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), particularly around the need to have
  the logical name(s) defined in a privileged mode and privileged tables
  when the redirection of privileged images is involved.
  NB: The default directories for shareable images are SYS$SHARE: and not
  SYS$LIBRARY: -- though the two logical names happen to reference the
  same directories on current OpenVMS systems.
  Adding translations to SYS$LIBRARY is not recommended.

answer written or last revised on ( 14-DEC-1998 )

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