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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Double SYS$END_TRANS call produces NOSUCHTID?

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The Question is:

Lately we,ve been upgrading OPENVMS from 6.1 to 7.1
While testing our applications running on OPENVMS7.1 we've run into a
normally your start a transaction by calling the systemservice routine
SYS$START_TRANS and end it with calling SYS$END_TRANS.
In one of our apllication programms we found out that we call SYS$END_TRANS
twice in a row.
On OPENVMS6.1the condition value returned by the second call to
SYS$END_TRANS is set to 1 which is SS$_NORMAL. No problem.
However on VMS7.1 the condition value returned is set to 9052.
Which external value corresponds to 9052, is this perhaps SS$WRONGSTATE and
is there a difference between the two VMS versions on this subject?
Thank you very much

The Answer is :

  It would certainly appear that the system service error checking
  was tightened up in this area:
    $ exit 9052
    %SYSTEM-F-NOSUCHTID, specified transaction not found

answer written or last revised on ( 15-DEC-1998 )

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