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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Seeking creation of DCL command procedure?

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The Question is:

How to make a commandfile, which download a file
from anywhere with anonymus FTP. And it must have
the following features: after downloading this
program should see the downloaded file's size,
and if it doesn't match the original file's size
then try it again, until it isn't successful.
Please do not use the "DIR" command. I think
it would be useful to use F$FILE and F$SEARCH.
Sorry about my English!
It is urgent, so I would be very glad if you can
solve it and send me the solution till Sunday
11.00 pm.
Thanx a lot!
Sorry I wrote a wrong e-mail account, now it is

The Answer is :

  Ask The Wizard is intended to answer questions, not to provide a path
  for requesting the creation of command procedures for specific tasks.
  Further, the Wizard is not in a position to answer questions with
  schedules as tight as one day's notice.  If you need this level of
  service, and particularly with your specified schedule, please consider
  hiring a contractor familiar with OpenVMS.
  The Wizard would recommend acquiring a book on writing DCL command
  procedures -- _Writing Real Programs in DCL_ is one of the available
  books that covers this topic in some detail.  _Writing Real Programs
  in DCL_ is available from Digital Press (http://www.bh.com/).  Also
  available in the OpenVMS manual set is the OpenVMS User's Manual, as
  well as the DCL dictionary.

answer written or last revised on ( 21-DEC-1998 )

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