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TCP/IP (UCX) DNS/BIND unable to list domain?

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The Question is:

My problem is to do with UCX bind feature
in a vax vms 6.2 ucx 4.1
vax>ucx sho ver
 Digital TCP/IP Services
for OpenVMS VAX Version V4.1
  on a VAX 4000-500
running OpenVMS V6.2
when issueing the command
VAX> mcr ucx$nslookup
>server sbevax.sbe.saskatoon.sk.ca
Default Server:  sbevax.sbe.saskatoon.sk.ca
Address: <fake addr for example sake>
>set q=any
>ls -d sbe.saskatoon.sk.ca
 sbe.saskatoon.sk.ca.           SOA   sbevax.sbe.saskatoon.sk.ca
POSTMASTER.sbevax.sbe.saskatoon.sk.ca. (997030250 3600 300 172800 43200)
 sbe.saskatoon.sk.ca.           NS    sbevax.sbe.saskatoon.sk.ca
 sbevax                         A
 sbe.saskatoon.sk.ca.           NS    merkaba.sbe.saskatoon.sk.ca
 tstbed                         A
 evanh                          A
 school.evanh                   A
 student.evanh                  A
 www.evanh                      A
 sbevax                         A
 wpbat                          0
*** ls: error receiving zone transfer:
  result: NXDOMAIN (3), answers = 2419, authority = 24947, additional =
*** Can't list domain sbe.saskatoon.sk.ca: Unspecified error
So the zone transfer fails part of the way through
I look at out <domain>.db and al the addr look fine
so any ideas about this

The Answer is :

  Please acquire and apply the current ECO kit for TCP/IP Services for
  OpenVMS (UCX) V4.1 (or upgrade to UCX V4.2 with the associated ECO kit)
  and try this test again.  Then -- if the test fails -- please contact
  the customer support center.  Expect to be asked details about the
  remote systems present your current DNS configuration.

answer written or last revised on ( 24-DEC-1998 )

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