[an error occurred while processing this directive]

HP OpenVMS Systems

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The Question is:

Hi Wizard,
How can I deal with the following error message?
" %system-F-Exlnmquota: Logical name table is full."
Mark  Gao

The Answer is :

 EXLNMQUOTA,  logical name table is full
  Facility:     SYSTEM, System Services
  Explanation:  The job logical name table is full. Further job logical name
                assignments cannot be made.
  User Action:  Deassign logical names you no longer need to free space in the
                If you have sufficient privilege to modify the user
                authorization file, increase the size of the logical name
                table with the AUTHORIZE command MODIFY. The format of the
                command is:
                  AUTHORIZE MODIFY username/JTQUOTA=n
                The variable n is the size of the job logical name table in
                bytes. The default for the job logical name table size is 1024
                bytes. The new value takes effect the next time you log in.
                For a detached process, increase the SYSGEN parameter PQL_

answer written or last revised on ( 29-DEC-1998 )

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